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                                                                OUR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY;

Our organization set out with the idea that environmental sensitivities should be considered as a primary priority while determining its working methods. In the light of this awareness, Expropriation Engineering Services ,  Survey and Project Engineering Services ,  Cadastre Works ,  Current Map Making ,  Hydrographic (Bathymetric) Map Making ,  Photogrammetric Map Making ,  Lanevari Digital Map Making Works ,  Zoning Plan and Zoning Implementation Work ,  Construction Projects  in the fields; KAYA ENGINEERING, which operates in the fields of engineering, construction, consultancy and project design, has determined its purpose and principle as an environmentally sustainable, environmentally friendly and remedial development.
Our organization; It is committed to continuously improving our potential and performance in every field for an environmentally sensitive and sustainable environment by producing planning and implementation strategies in line with the principles stated below.
      The standards specified in all relevant legal regulations are implemented.
      In order to reduce the use of natural resources, it is directed to the consumption of reusable and recyclable materials as much as possible.
      Waste from our service activities is minimized whenever applicable and at every site.
      Environmental criteria are taken into account when making investment decisions.
      We implement and follow the Environmental Management System we have established in all our processes.
      Efforts are made to reduce emergency risks.
      In order to be successful in contributing to the environment; We provide information to our customers, employees, suppliers and local governments about the problems that may occur in the environment of our business, our goals, achievements and environmental protection strategies.
      We contribute to the development of our environmental activities by taking into account the environmental concerns and suggestions of our neighbors, customers and employees. For this purpose, projects are created and support is tried to be given.
      We are aware of the importance of the environment for our future, and we ensure that the impact of our business's activities on the environment is kept as low as possible by implementing an eco-efficient environmental policy. Environmental pollution is prevented by the rational use of natural resources and energy.
      It plans and carries out all its activities within the framework of the principle of constantly protecting the environment, not polluting, and using resources at the minimum level, and aims to continue these activities by constantly improving them.
      We fully meet all the legal requirements regarding the protection of the environment and other conditions that it undertakes to comply with, and we aim to be one of the exemplary organizations in the sector that adds value to the environment by working above these conditions.
      All personnel are trained on environmental protection.


As Senior Management;
The effectiveness of our ever-developing environmental management system will be monitored and reported at an accountable level, at every level of our organization, with all our employees and stakeholders,
The harmony of the environmental scope and strategy with the environmental policy and targets will be ensured,
Management systems integration will be ensured in our processes,
Necessary organization, resource and training needs will be provided in order to achieve the Objectives and Goals of the Environmental Management System,
The importance of all activities will be announced to our employees,
We are committed.



      To be responsible for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality with its employees at all levels of the organization, to comply with the relevant laws, regulations, regulations, standards and customer requirements,

      Strive to increase the participation, contribution, competence and motivation of the employees in order to provide a safe working environment and to deliver the projects to the customers with the highest quality and durability standards within the framework of sustainable solutions,

      To encourage all employees and employee representatives to risk-based thinking and process-based approach through their leaders and to involve them in OHS studies,

      To reduce the identified risks and to eliminate the dangers,

      To identify and evaluate risks and opportunities that may affect the ability to improve the environment, people, materials, products, services and customer satisfaction,

      To take all necessary precautions to prevent accidents/incidents, injuries and occupational diseases,

      To raise awareness that it is everyone's responsibility to stop unsafe work,

      Identifying potential emergencies and being prepared for them,

      To follow the values of truth, honesty, transparency and justice, To respect human rights and cultural values,

      To implement the expectation and complaint mechanism in order to take into account the expectations of the relevant parties,

      To increase the effectiveness of Management Systems, to monitor and improve the applications continuously.



      Our company, which operates in İzmir Aliağa in the field of Non-Hazardous Waste Collection and Separation Services, has adopted the OHS culture with the awareness that quality and efficient service can only be provided in a healthy and safe working environment.

      For this reason, it is our primary goal for our employees to avoid danger and risk to themselves and their colleagues during their time at work, to ensure that they maintain their normal and healthy state, and to have OHS awareness.

      In order to implement this principle with an OHS culture, our shipyard has established an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 standards and provides constant up-to-dateness and applicability in order to constantly move it to better levels.

      With this system; By taking the necessary OHS measures within the scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331:

-       Protecting the health status of all employees,

-       Protection of the workplace, machinery and equipment,

-       Reducing risks, Minimizing hazards,

-       Increasing productivity,

-       Complying with legal bases and humanitarian requirements,

-       Ensuring continuous improvements,

-       Implementation of corrective actions,

-       Working with a zero accident target,

-       Adoption of OHS culture



Our company, as its management, performs the establishment of information technology infrastructure based on local and wide area networks in all kinds of businesses and institutions, depending on the mission, vision and policies expressed in the Quality Management System, and provides operatorship and consultancy services with its operation and support, It meets the IT needs of enterprises and institutions that require high technical knowledge and experience with the outsource method.

Information security is the activities of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and usability of the information produced, prepared by the company and to which the parties are responsible. These activities should ensure that information is protected, including other characteristics such as accuracy, explainability, non-repudiation and reliability.

Services that our company is responsible for performing information security activities:

  • Continuity of IT services will be provided under an institutional roof, independent of individuals, within the scope and limits of ISMS.

  • The configuration of network installations that require high knowledge and experience will be provided within the scope and limits of ISMS.

  • The necessary operating and technical support services will be provided within the scope and limits of the ISMS in order to keep the existing networks in the institutions / organizations in a continuous state. 

  • IT infrastructure / hardware / software  Providing operator services in routine works based on the system and ensuring data security will be within the scope and boundaries of ISMS.

  • Meeting the expectations of our customers at a high level of the institutions / organizations we serve under the contract, increasing their information processing capabilities, helping them reach their activity / process / performance targets by keeping them informed of technological developments will continue within the scope and boundaries of ISMS.

  • processed in all information technology systems that we serve within the scope and boundaries of ISMS.  Accepting that any confidential / commercial / private information is the privacy of the customer of the institution / organization we serve, this information cannot be obtained from any place / person / institution / organization without the knowledge / consent of the customer, depending on the terms of Confidentiality / Integrity / Availability  will be provided.

  • Provided that it stays within the scope and limits of ISMS, ISMS policy will comply with legal and regulatory requirements, take into account obligations or dependencies arising from contracts or third parties.

Our company establishes the necessary control mechanisms for the fulfillment of information security activities. A draft study has been initiated in order to determine the control targets, to carry out the controls and to ensure their continuity. In this study, the risk management and risk control structure to which the controls will depend has been established.

Our company, which works especially for organizations that request services based on outsourcing, has to guarantee that the most important capital and asset of the institutions / organizations that receive service from it is used by 3rd parties without seeking good or bad intentions. It is a basic requirement to carry out activities in compliance with the laws stipulated by the specifications and included in the provisions of the contract and deemed necessary by the highest executive structure in the fields in which the institution / organization operates.

In order to fulfill these requirements, arrangements will be made on the basis of hardware and software, and awareness - awareness - application - development training and exercises will be carried out for all our personnel.

Another dimension of information security is providing business continuity management. For this reason, by providing the necessary backup structures, breakage and rupture situations in the areas that fall under the responsibility of our company in any business continuity structure will be eliminated.

In the ISMS documentation established to support our information security policy

  • Rules to follow

  • Processes

  • Procedures

  • controls

is located.




Quality Policy-1

     Our experienced company, KAYA ENGINEERING, whose principles are honesty, quality and innovation;

  • Among the Quality Management Systems, you can use the skills and skills of all employees to the highest degree.

  • Be a reliable and pilot company in an understanding that fully meets the needs and expectations of public institutions and organizations in all processes,

  • It works closely with the technological developments of the sector and works,

  • To establish the awareness of Quality Management, respect for the environment and work safety in all employees,

  • Signing projects that benefit the economy of the country in cooperation with public institutions, services and subcontractors,

  • To work with the optimum economy management by producing the most appropriate and the most correct solutions in the fastest way, to provide service with working analysis,

  • When using every project started, with the highest level of techniques

  • A useful, pilot organization that respects the society and the environment you are in,

  • To continuously develop projects with the qualities required by our age, to move the standard forward and to produce projects to be found according to the national economy,

     We have adopted and policy as Quality Policy.

Quality Policy -2

     In the fields of Expropriation Engineering Services, Surveying and Project Engineering Services, Cadastral Works, Current Map Making, Hydrographic (Bathymetric) Map Making, Photogrammetric Map Making, Strip Numeric Current Map Making Works, Zoning Plan and Zoning Application Construction Work, Construction Projects; Operating in the fields of engineering, construction, consultancy and project design, KAYA ENGINEERING takes into consideration the satisfaction of its stakeholders, public-institutions and organizations, employees, occupational health and safety rules and environmental responsibilities at every stage of its activity,

     KAYA Engineering, which is one of the important and experienced organizations of the sector, strives to improve its goal of having a voice in its field by constantly renewing itself, by using its resources effectively and planned, and to continue its growth trend with every project.

      In this direction;

  • To continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System by monitoring the changing conditions of the sector and making the necessary preparations,

  • To secure and continuously improve the quality of our services with an understanding that targets the satisfaction of public institutions and organizations,

  • Sector; to be a preferred engineering company with its service quality, reliability and competitive position,

  • Continuing the institutional structuring with the awareness that the public-institutions and organizations, our partners, our employees are part of a whole,

  • Ensuring full compliance with the current legislation on environmental and occupational health and safety with the participation of our employees,

  • To increase the quality of employees and work with continuous training and improvement activities,

  • Contributing to recycling, not harming the environment and contributing to the studies for the development of environmental awareness in the society,


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